About Us
How and where advertising campaigns spend their money on paid media is more important than ever.
Carefully targeted media will provide the edge over competitors, and having knowledgeable media planning and buying specialists can save thousands of dollars while ensuring the correct audiences are exposed to your message. For over 25 years, Buying Time, LLC has provided advertising campaigns the most sophisticated targeted media placement available. This advantage will translate into significant savings and provide a strategic winning edge for your advertising campaign.
We have placed hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of corporate, political and issue/advocacy advertisers in national, regional, spot and rural arenas. Our individual talents, while impressive, are further enhanced when combined to offer you one source for an experienced media planning and buying team.
Buying Time has a great deal of depth and experience in paid media. Today, targeted media buying is crucial in conveying a campaign’s message; branding or issue. How and where campaigns spend their money on media is more important than ever.